Agenda Q1 W5
Sept 9
Get organized with our notebook (with curriculum through January)
Talk about Hypothesis statements and learn how to identify the INDEPENDENT and DEPENDENT VARIABLES. Quiz tomorrow on this concept.
Complete Scientific Method Notes
Chat about the water bottle flip lab
Complete one graph 1 line graph about tomatoes.
HW: Finish plotting the 6 points for the tomatoe graph.
Check graph HW (tomatoe) and complete next the bar graph
Go over yesterday's concept of creating a hypothesis and identifying the IV and DV
Go over a practice quiz on Hypothesis, IV and DV.
OPEN NOTE Quiz: Identify the IV and DV of a scenario. 5 points.
Look at IV & DV with graphs. Type in your answers to the video and check your answers
HW: Bring 2 identical water bottles.
Go over yesterday's video. Practice identifying the IV and DV of a scenario.
Open note quiz on yesterday's concept. See page 12 for many examples.
MODEL Warm up activity. Many times we revise our hypothesis as we learn more information.
Talk about water bottle flip lab tomorrow.
Fire Mythbusters
Graphing Packet and Practice Graphing #4
Start water bottle flip lab.
Problem, Background, IV, DV, Hypothesis, Materials,
Run the Control portion of the experiment
Go over common mistakes (from previous years) from the Water bottle flip lab
Finish running the Water Bottle Flip Lab
Start the group Final Write up
Next week
Finish Water Bottle Flip lab group write up and turn in 1 per group
Scientific Method and Mythbusters: Methane.
Mythbusters and Golf Balls video 22 min. Picking out the steps to the Scientific Method.